"Road Trip Title Search Contest!"
April 2003
(Contest created by Lynn Hickernell! Thanks, Lynn!)

No, We did not give away a Nissan Xterra for April's prize, nor did we give away Jars of Clay. We just really liked this picture and couldn't find a better place to put it! AND since this was a Road Trip Title Search Contest, this was about as OFF-ROAD as we could get! Here's the deal: Once upon a time, there were three friends who went off on a road trip to see their favorite band, Jars of Clay. Below is an account of part of their adventure-with the titles of twenty Jars songs hidden in it! Three were identified for you. The object was to find the other seventeen, surround the titles with brackets or parentheses as shown, and list the titles found. Some titles may overlap with one another. (Don't forget: you can find track lists for all of Jars of Clay's albums in the Jarchives "Music/Lyrics" section!)

The winner of the April contest is Tasha Parker of Citrus County Florida!
Tasha will receive an autographed vinyl, Much Afraid... Remember those?!)



Joy leaned forward from the back seat so her friends could hear her over the blasting radio. "I heard that Sonicflood is appearing next month at the place we're going," she said. "I want to go if I can get the day off."

Lydia's eyes seemed to be runnin[g race]s up and down the road. "Are you sure this road is right? Shouldn't we be there by now? We're lost. Kaitlin, please stop up ahead at that church and get directions, okay?"

"LOST?" Kaitlin silenced her friend. "You're driving me crazy. Tim especially went over this route with me before we left." She rolled her eyes. "Whatever." "She wants to go this way because Tim suggested it," Joy giggled. "Lydia, it's Kait's car-let her drive, okay?"

"But I need to use a restroom," Lydia whined. "Please Kaitlin, {I need you} to pull over!"

Joy edged closer to her friends. "Actually, I need to stop, too. I guess I shouldn't have had so much of that liquid breakfast stuff I like . . ."

"A child could hold it longer than you two!" Kaitlin shook her head. "Strong coffee might keep you awake for the trip, but it means more stops along the way!" She pulled the car into a gas station parking lot.

"Oooooh, (good coffee, strong coffee) . . ." Joy sang as she and Lydia hopped out. "Coming, Kait?"

"No, I'm alright." Kaitlin leaned her head against the steering wheel and sighed. "I have a sinking feeling that this is going to be one long trip."


I Need You
Good Coffee, Strong Coffee


THE ANSWERS Joy leaned forward from t(he) back seat so her friends could hear her over the blasting radio. "I heard that Sonic[floo{d] is appear}ing next month at the place we're going," she said. "I want to go if I can get the day of(f." Ly)dia's eyes seemed to be runnin[g race]s up and down the road. "Are you sure {this road} is right? Shouldn't we be there by now? We're lost. Kaitlin, please stop at that churc(h and) get directions, o[kay?" "LOS]T?" Kaitlin {silence}d her friend. "You're driving me (crazy. Tim es)pecially went over this route with me before we left." She rolled her eyes. "[Whatever." "She wants] to go this way because Tim suggested it," Joy giggled. "Lydia, it's Kait'{s car-let} her drive, okay?" "But I need to use a restroom," Lydia whined. "Please Katlin, (I need you) to pull [over!" Joy ed]ged closer to her friends. "Actually, I need to stop, too. I guess I shouldn't have had so much of that {liquid} breakfast stuff I (like . . ." "A child) could hold it longer than you two!" Kaitlin shook her [head. "Strong] coffee might keep you awake for the trip, but it means more stops along the way!" She pulled into a gas station parking lot. "Oooooh, {good coffee, strong coffee} . . ." Joy sang as she and Lydia hopped out. "Coming, Kait?" "No, (I'm alright)." Kaitlin leaned her head against the steering wheel and sighed. "I have a [sinking] feeling that this is going to be one long trip."

This Road
Crazy Times
Whatever She Wants
I Need You
Like a Child
Good Coffee, Strong Coffee
I'm Alright