Jars of Clay at Cumming County Fair

Cumming, GA
October 9, 2003
by Greg Harvey

greg harvey photo

        After sitting in traffic for what seemed to be hours and getting slightly lost I finally made it to the fair where Jars were playing. I pay my $3 bux to park and head off to the front gate only to relize I forgot my camera. I run back to the car and get it and walk up to the lady selling tickets. I hand her my $5 bux and start to walk off. She tells me that I forgot my change. Apparently students get into the fair for $2 bux! Finally I get to see a cheap show. Tickets for Sevendust and Staind 2 nights before at the Tabernacle were $35+ ticketmaster charges! As im walking over to the stage i run into Seal of Servents! Its a good thing he spotted me cause I would have walked right past him. He went with Amiee and another friend so we were just standing around waiting for the show to start when we spot Libby and talk to her for a bit. The show is almost under way and Amiee gets a great idea to *cough* con *cough* her way into the 2nd row of the VIP seating. Derrick and I follow shortly after Scratch Trax got done playing. So there we are...2nd row for jars..WOOHOO.

        The lights go down and NO one stands up except for the 6 of us in the 2nd row and the girls in the row in front of us.greg harvey photo2 The open with I Need You which they have been opening with for a while now and its a good opener. Like a child is 2nd and is the same at every show ive seen. 3rd song is Disappear which I havnt heard since the 11th hour tour last year! Thats a great song and I hope they play it more on this tour. Show You Love is the first of four new songs they did that night. Currently its my fav. jars song, even tho I like the way they were playing it in the spring its still an excellent song! Next is the Valley song with the story behind the song. This song grows on me more and more every time its played.

        Dan starts to talk about blue grass festivals that he went to as a kid and how they have influenced this next song...Amazing Grace. Steve plays some sort of slide guitar or something on thissong so its got a bit of a twang, but fits perfectly with the mood of the song. The first new song for me was Sunny Days which they have only played it a few times and its excellent! I was hoping we would get some other new songs besides Show You Love and Amazing Grace...and much to my supprise we did! The rest of the set was pretty standard. Fly then I'm Alright with the really high pitched squeels at the end of the song which is SO funny. Revolution, Flood, and Love Song For A Savior finish out the rest of the set. Even when Flood was going they crowd didnt seem to be too into it. Kinda odd but whatever...I thought Amiee was having some sort of episode and it turns out he was headbanging....does anyone still do that?? Maybe I should go to some more 80's metal shows :P The band walks off stage and comes back in a few. Dan says "Well we have a new album coming out and we thing that Cumming is a good place to try out another new song." I think to myself..sweet...I hope its Lonely People or Shipwrecked. Both have interesting titles. They started off with another very bluegrass sorta song which I thought was the song from O Brother Where Art Tho but it turned out to be Trouble Is. So we got four new songs tonight and if the whole album is like this then its going to be better then all their other records. Someone keeps shouting Worlds Apart and Steve says..."Ahh..thats and excellent choice." They play that like normal but near the end Dan throws in some Jesus' Blood Never Failed Me lines which was a new spin on an old classic. To close out the evening they play On Jordan's Stormy Banks I Stand which is a great hymn! Dan says something about it being one of the 1st spiritual songs that Johnnie Cash ever learned. The show was an hour and a half which was awesome but Charlie said that the show on the tour is going to be shorter cause the opening bands are getting a good bit of time which is great, but they cant play for too long cause people will want to go home. Bummer...but I can see the argument.greg harvey photo3

        And there you have it. An excellent show for an excellent price. The funniest thing said all night was when Dan and Steve were talking about why you might have the date November 4th stuck in your head. Finding Nemo comes out on DVD and apparently Jars has pulled a Pink Floyd/Wizard of Oz on us cause if you start Finding Nemo and Who We Are Instead at the same time it will sync up perfectly and its kinda errie!! AHAHAHH...for those of you who dont know what im talking about, It has been said that if you start Pink Floyds "The Wall" when the MGM lion roars for 3rd time the songs will be in sync with the movie. Ive never done it...cause...well..I hate that movie..but thats what some say.

        After the show we just walked right pass the security guard and talked with the band for a bit. I think we talked to Charlie and Dan for about 2 hours! Charlie saw me and came over and we chatted for a bit about all sorts of things. I asked him about needing any more stage help or whatever and just about how to get into that line of work in general. Even tho Andy is trying to talk me out of it...i couldnt think something that would be more fun then that. After that we talk to Dan for a good while about the new record...where some of the songs came from..what he likes to do on his offtime. Arron Sands (bass player) has taken up cabinet making and was sanding down some cabinets. Next time I see him Im supposed to talk to him about playing Art In Me. I talked to Charlie and Dan and Dan told me I have to talk to Aaron about that one. They have forgotten how to play it, but I think one or two run thrus they could remember it and play it for me in Lutz, Jacksonville, or Rome. We talked to Dan till they were ready to leave and it looked like everyone was pooped! Matt was around too but he had a bunch of people keeping him busy so I didnt get to say hi and Steve was no where to be found. I wanted to tell him that his shirt was the coolest shirt ive seen in quite some time!

        Amiee and I talked Derrick in to some Awful Waffle where we had some dinner/breakfast then I started my treck home where I arrived safely at 8am...talk about being tired!

        Well theres my review. Enjoy the pics!