"Your dirt removes my blindness, Your pain becomes my peace"

      Christianity is not a religion, but a life changing relationship with a real person, Jesus Christ. In the Bible, God explains who He is, the creator and sustainer of all life on earth. God sent His son, Jesus, in human form to walk this earth, to proclaim God's love for people and to teach people how to love others. Jesus was fully God, but also fully man. He experienced every human emotion, including betrayal, temptation, grief, discouragement, and extreme pain, so he understands our worst sufferings. God allowed Jesus to die a brutal death... His hands and feet nailed to a cross. And in His own body, He bore the sins of all mankind. Because Jesus paid this price for sin, you can receive God's forgiveness for your own sins, no matter how horrible they may seem. First you have to recognize that you are a sinner, and without Jesus, you will eventually die in your sins. Then, you need to ask Jesus for your salvation and to be Lord of your life. Salvation doesn't have to be earned or worked for. It is a free gift from God for all those who receive it.

       When you ask Jesus Christ to live in your heart, He gives you spiritual healing that brings eternal life. He begins to change you and draws you closer to Him. This change is Real! This Christian journey is a two way commitment. It's more than just believing Jesus exists. You have to trust, cling to, and rely on Jesus in all aspects of your life. Jesus Christ gives you strength to overcome the struggles in life that you can't fight alone. Jesus is as close as a thought or a prayer, and will never betray or abandon you.

       Nothing of any real value is possible in and of ourselves. Only through God's grace can we love and accept others despite our differences. Only through Jesus can we live a life that is truly fulfilling. Life with Christ is challenging, but rich and full of God's blessings. God never said being a Christian would be easy. In fact, a Christian is often challenged and even persecuted by those who don't understand or reject who Christ is. But if we constantly lean on God's grace and forgiveness, we know the struggles will be worth it. Life is really not about you or me. It's about God!